Catalina Island in the Fall

For those of you looking to have a quick getaway from all of the hustle and bustle of school starting back up, making lunches for all the kids, or simply being overwhelmed with corporate San Diego, Catalina Island is the perfect escape. Particularly in the Fall, this island is perfect for hiking, swimming, snorkeling, renting golf carts, zip-lining, spas, fun night life or lounging on the beach sipping Buffalo Milks.
The Catalina Island Conservancy has just finished opening access to trails that let hikers and mountain bikers explore the protected back country. From high up on the island, there lies spectacular views of the coast with water clarity that is out of this world! A multitude of animals start to appear as the water temperature decreases and clarity increases, such as lobsters, sea bass and leopard sharks. Autumn is actually the beginning of the lobster season in California, which means you can actually catch your dinner if you have the proper license.
And the very best part of Catalina in the Fall…the crowds have left and the island can be thoroughly enjoyed without the many lines of people as during the summer months. As a note for those of you taking this information and booking your trip for a few days, my one recommendation for you is to make room in your schedule one day to get the most incredible ice cream at Big Olaf’s, you won’t regret it and the kids will love it!
See photo below from one of our Sail San Diego crew’s trip over there a few weeks ago.