Whale Watching Season Is Coming!

Gray Whales are migrating 12,400 miles from their Arctic feeding grounds to give birth in the warm waters of Baja Mexico.
This truly extraordinary spectacle can be seen mid December through April.
It is the longest known distance any mammal migrates on an annual basis and is truly an extraordinary spectacle to observe.
With 70 miles of coastline directly in their migration path San Diego is a prime location for whale watching.
Keep your eyes out for an upcoming whale watching opportunity here at Sail San Diego.
Fun Facts:
–Gray whales Calves can gain 60 to 70 pounds every day on their mother’s milk; they can reach 18 to19 feet in length in their first 3 months of life.
–A 30-ton whale will expend so much energy on the migration to the Baja lagoons that it may lose 10-13 tons of its blubber; it eats little or nothing in the breeding grounds. But by early summer, most gray whales are heading back to the northern feeding grounds. Over the next five months they will gain back an estimated 15 to 30 percent of their total body weight.
–The gray whale acquired its name from the gray patches and white mottling on its skin.
–Adult males can reach a length of 45 feet, adult females are slightly larger, and reach about 50 feet in length. Both sexes weigh up to 30-40 tons. The gray whales flukes or tail can span up to 10 feet.
–An adult gray whale can stay submerged up to 20-30 minutes.