Whale Watching in Full-Swing!

All year long, Sail San Diego’s office receives calls asking about whale watching. Whale sightings are always a possibility when sailing off the coast of San Diego (after all, the ocean is home to many species of whales). However, for the majority of the year, it’s not an everyday occurrence. That all changes during a special few months out of each year. Late December through the end of March is the annual Pacific Gray whale migration, when the Grays travel from Alaska to Mexico, in order to give birth.
The 2020 Gray Whale season has been incredible, so far, here at Sail San Diego. Our guests & captains have been able to see over 45 whales in the past month alone!
Sail San Diego offers a unique way of seeing these beautiful, gigantic creatures… aboard beautifully-appointed, 40-foot, modern-day luxury sailing yachts. Each of our four whale watching sailing yachts is captained by a professional, U.S. Coast-guard licensed sailing captain, and each of our trips include all white wine, beer, non-alcoholic beverages & snacks. We even have extra binoculars on board.
If you’re looking to go whale watching, then Sail San Diego is the charter company for you, and now is the time to book. Don’t wait until the whales have gone back home! Book your San Diego whale watching trip now!