Capt. Art Harrison and Whale Watching Tour with over 10 Whales!

On January 8th, 2013, Captain Art and his Whale Watching Tour guests saw over 10 whales and hundreds of dolphins. The reason for so many whales was due to what scientists call “Bubble netting”
Bubble netting is when a group of whales work together, circling a school of small fish using air bubbles. Then, at the same time, coordinated through vocalization, the whales rise through the middle of the trapped fish with their mouths wide open capturing their prey.
Pictures From Recent Whale Watching Tours:
Capt. Art Harrison Background:
Art has been with Sail San Diego for the last 7 years and brings a wealth of sailing and whale watching experience. Before his venture to Sail San Diego, Art was trained at the Cabrillo Marine Museum in docent whale migration behavior and now has over 30 years of whale watching experience. We are lucky to have Art as one of our captains here at Sail San Diego and his expertise in whale behavior almost guarantees our guests a whale sighting every trip.
For more information on our Whale Watching Tours or to make a Reservation, click here-> Whale Watching Tour